How To Improve Happiness Levels At Work

 1. Find Meaning

To put this into perspective, consider that in 1983 the famous Steve Jobs talked to John Sculley who worked at PepsiCo, and asked him if he wanted to come work at Apple and potentially change the world or if he wanted to continue working for a company that sold sugar water. Of course, John Sculley took him up on his offer and became the CEO of Apple. 

How To Improve Happiness Levels At Work

Steve Job's tactic was extremely effective because it offered John the chance to do work that is meaningful and worthwhile while also appealing to his imagination. According to research done by Adam Grant who is management at Wharton, he found that employees that are engaged in work that they deem as being positive, meaningful, and has a good effect on the world typically are a lot more productive. This was further supported by Teresa Amabile who is a professor at Harvard who found that it doesn't matter how big or small the goal was, whether it was simply helping out a co-worker or curing some disease, having such meaning associated with work created higher levels of happiness within the workplace. 

Setting meaningful employee goals is made easy with the great work schedule tracker for employees.

2. Make An Office Nest

According to the Balance Team's founding partner, Jennifer Star, most people spend a great deal of their time at the workplace, so it is best to make that space more personalized in order to increase happiness. This means that you should decorate and customize your work area as much as your company policy allows. This will not only make you feel more relaxed and comfortable but also a lot happier. 

3. Get A Work Best Friend

There was research done at Host, a free hosting startup that determined that employees who have a best friend at their workplace usually became more highly engaged than an employee who didn't have a close friend at work. Due to this, I actually look into referrals made by other workers for new positions. This is because when employees have close friendships at work, this means that they'll work harder for the company. 

In the Harvard Business Review, Christine Riordan indicated that employees who have other close friends as employees usually find their jobs to be more enjoyable and satisfactory. The other benefit of this is that it creates a greater sense of loyalty and support within the company. 

4. Smile

When you take the time to smile more often while you're at work, this can actually make you feel happier. This is because when you smile, it indicates to your brain that you're happy and it releases neuropeptides. Also, when you smile more at work, this will make your fellow employees also smile more. 

5. Forget About Personal Problems At Work

If you have a lot of personal problems, then this can cause a great deal of emotional hijacking which leads to high-stress levels according to the author of Inside Out's Time Management, Julie Morgenstern. When you're in such a stressed-out state, you will feel stressed at work which will make you less productive and more distracted. 

Even though it is easy for your personal life to interrupt your work life, you should always strive to deal with personal problems at home first before you go to work.

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