Investing in Art: Tips for Indian Art Collectors

Indian Art Collectors

The world of investment has diversified in today’s rapidly changing epoch with investment in art becoming the new trend. However, numerous art collectors are not sure where to start! 

Art has the power to compel the viewer to think and feel unique. Having a collection of stunning artworks rejuvenates the ambiance and adds visual interest to the decor. Most art collectors buy to show off their aesthetic sensibility and to hold that positive ambiance at home always. Additionally, some also collect with an aim of investment. 

Thus, if you are an art lover keen to extending your collection and investing in the best lucrative option, read and acknowledge tips from experts for better decisions. In the modern age, investments are not limited to the age-old real estate boundaries or insurance premiums, however have diversified to being spent on fine wines, art, and rare coins. Thus, a wise selection for investment requires in-depth research before you embark on the path of investing in art. 

With the growing investment in art around the world, the number of Indian art collectors has grown too. More and more people are showing interest in collecting attractive sculptures and alluring pictures not only for décor but also for asset maintenance. Since some evergreen art pieces will always be in style, people are investing in art, an alternative asset.

If you are an art lover, we have some tips to help you in your journey as a successful art collector. Check out:

Avoid Trends and Choose What You Love

For all art lovers willing to have stunning collections of art for their interiors, remember to collect art that matters. It is not always essential to run behind the trend and have the most contemporary prints on the walls.

Contrarily, focus on the latest trend and choose artworks those interest you. Take time, research, and make a collection that brings in a visual and intellectual curiosity to your ambiance. Rozell, an art collector says, “Don’t follow the trends, but collect something highly personal”. She further suggests, “Read and see as much as possible to make the right decision”. 

The collectors who buy what they love can justify their décor style with the right compositions at the right place. 

Research Well

An art collector should never compromise on research. Visit as many exhibitions as you can, go to museums and galleries, and ensure that you do not end up overpaying for work, neither buying something that you do not have much knowledge of. 

Most art collectors do not emphasize much on budget, however, to learn and buy adequately, never hesitate on comparing prices. Compare the compositions, quality, pricing, and buy from reliable artists. Go for your favorite style rather than jumping into the ongoing trend. 

When you buy what you love, you can earn the best returns because you have the knowledge and essence of the right time for sale. Also, consider the sale records for secondary items.

Long-Term Care 

Art collectors should always be committed to the long-term care of their artworks. Owning a collection of art is a responsibility, and for the collectors looking forward to sales and export, long-term care is highly significant. 

For every artwork, the 1-5% value needs to be spent on care. Therefore, make a good investment with art and make it an asset by committing to care. Also, ensure its storage and insurance so that your growing collection preserves its value with care to bring you the best returns.

Think of the Challenges

If you are a novice art collector thinking to invest in art, consider the potential challenges always. Time is revolutionizing and art forms are evolving with virtual reality and artificial intelligence adding innovations introducing new modern styles.

With the changing demand, collectors need to emphasize investing in some immortal art forms that will be loved forever. When buying a new media of art, think of its existence and future demands. Besides, also think about replacing the previous items. The art of conserving and developing an eye on the potential challenges is significant for every collector. To make a wise decision, work on all pros and cons of the investment and be ready for the challenges.

Do not Ignore Online Platforms

Online mediums flourished massively in the COVID-19 pandemic. Not only did the E-commerce websites for clothes, grocery, and food, but online art galleries boomed too. Buying art online is not; however, post the pandemic, the reliability of most websites strengthened. 

Most Indian art collectors have purchased their favorite artist’s work online through numerous galleries in this tenure. Several galleries also offer customization options to the collectors to get their favorite art styles painted on the canvas. So why wait for exhibitions when online is the new trend? 

As a novice art collector, check across the famous online art galleries and buy from a reliable one having good reviews. If you are a portrait lover, several online mediums also give the option of customization where you can get your portrait made by famous artists.

So, start collecting stunning prints sitting at home and enjoy several offers and sale discounts available on most online platforms. 

Network with Experts

To grow as an art collector, strengthen your relationship with curators, consultants, gallery owners, and artists. These people can help you come across varied perspectives to enrich your knowledge of art. Visit all possible exhibitions and try to learn more about art forms to get an understanding of what attracts you. 

When you improve your skills in understating different types of artworks, it is easy to buy one and handle it with care for future investment.

Know the Artist

Every art collector before making a purchase should gain knowledge about the artist. Considering significant factors about the artist helps the buyer select the right art form that matters with good quality. 

If you love an artist’s work, check their work samples from different websites. Research more about them to get an understanding of their working style. When you love their style of art, you can even get your personalized artwork made by them to adorn your walls at home.  

Right Mind-set

For all art collectors investing in art as a long-term investment plan, it is vital to have patience and the adequate mindset to enjoy the best returns. Overnight profits don’t work, thus patience is indispensable. Most Indian art collectors nowadays advise investing in art as it is not affected by economic downtimes. So, have the right thought to earn profits. 

Ending Statement:

Inspired to start your art collection? Bringing home some stunning art prints can be a window into the art world. More people today show interest in investing in art along with the passion of having a mesmeric collection for home décor. 

So, before starting to invest, work on the potential pros and cons of your investment. Buying art for décor has a different purpose while buying for investment needs a different mind-set. So firstly, decide what you are looking for. 

If you are keen to invest and grow with art, understand the investment ecosystem. We have some stunning collections on-board to add to your list, check with us.

For more queries comment in the section below.

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